Angular is one of the most popular javascript frameworks for creating web apps. Maintained by Google, you can be assured that this powerhouse of a framework is built with speed and purpose.
In this 100% free Angular 4 course, I'm going to make the assumption that you have never touched Angular in your life. Experience with AngularJS (1.0) or Angular 2 is not mandatory.
There are a few different ways to get started with an Angular 4 project.
1.You can install it manually by hand
2.You can use the Angular-CLI (Command Line Interface) to install it for you
3.You can upgrade an Angular 2 project to an Angular 4/5 project
4.You can clone an Angular 4/5 project at GitHub.
Before we can begin, we have some dependencies. they are
- Node.js with NPM (Node Package Manager)
- Angular-CLI (Command Line Interface)
Visit the Node.js and download stable version. Run the .exe file on your OS.
>npm install -g @angular/cli
After it's installed, close your console / command line and reload it. You can now run the node -v command and it will provide you with the current version number.
Now create your new project in angular using below command.
> ng new my-new-project-name (or) ng new my-test --routing
Generate Component :
ng generate component my-comp --module app-routing.module.ts
e2e -- folder is used for testing purpose.
node_modules -- Folder is having all node pre-defined library file.
src -- this is our application folder we have to write our components and modules.
Here we have our project name and from where we call node_modules.
we can include styles and script from here.
package.json -- file having all dependency packages with version.
src > index.html file will run.
in this we have a selector in body tag <app-root></app-root>
src > main.ts file
In this file default it will hit into AppModule
.catch(err => console.log(err));
src > app > app.module.ts file
here we will connect with AppComponent
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
next app.component.html file to display our template.
here app.component.css inline style can written with in component.
Here simple logic is first index.html file will loads in this we define a selector in tags
like <app-root></app-root> and mention in which component have to run for our template.
After it's installed, close your console / command line and reload it. You can now run the node -v command and it will provide you with the current version number.
Now create your new project in angular using below command.
> ng new my-new-project-name (or) ng new my-test --routing
Generate Component :
ng generate component my-comp --module app-routing.module.ts
It will generate routing file. Finally run ng serve to start our server.
Next section i will explain folder structure and angular application flow.
node_modules -- Folder is having all node pre-defined library file.
src -- this is our application folder we have to write our components and modules.
Here we have our project name and from where we call node_modules.
we can include styles and script from here.
package.json -- file having all dependency packages with version.
src > index.html file will run.
in this we have a selector in body tag <app-root></app-root>
src > main.ts file
In this file default it will hit into AppModule
.catch(err => console.log(err));
src > app > app.module.ts file
here we will connect with AppComponent
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
src > app > app.AppComponent.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'app-root',
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./app.component.css']
export class AppComponent {
title = 'app';
here app.component.css inline style can written with in component.
Here simple logic is first index.html file will loads in this we define a selector in tags
like <app-root></app-root> and mention in which component have to run for our template.
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